• Rooted in the LES since 1982

  • "Where sin abounds, grace abounds more." - Romans 5:20

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting | 2019

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40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

September 30 – November 8

Enough is Enough!

Why take a 40-day spiritual journey?

What would your finances, your relationships, your family—your life—look like if you were living as a prayerful and powerful follower of Jesus Christ? Now is the time to, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Eph. 6:10–11). The entire Abounding Grace family will battle alongside you as we launch an all-out spiritual attack on the enemy. We want to obtain and enjoy all of the promises of God.

For forty days, Abounding Grace will pursue God with an earnest desire to see Him move. We firmly believe that the signs and wonders that were a regular part of the life of the early church in the book of Acts are available to us now through the power of the Holy Spirit. To that end, we will spend the next forty days (Sept. 30 – Nov. 8) pursuing God believing for a fresh and dynamic move of the Holy Spirit is available to us NOW! Let us fight the good fight of faith!  -Pastor Louis A. Carlo


We are expecting a powerful move of the Holy Spirit evidenced by:

  1. The activation of the spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12), signs & wonders, spiritual revitalization, and a harvest of souls.
  2. Healing
  3. Deliverance
  4. A transformative & history making 27/37 anniversary service on Nov. 8-10, 2019


  • Prayer Connect – our daily prayer call 6:00 AM | Mon – Sat | (712) 755-8972 Code: 760528
  • Hour of Power | Tuesdays | 11AM-12PM
  • Pre-Service Prayer | Sundays | 10:45AM
  • Daily/Weekly Fasting
  • Daily Bible Reading Plan – Acts
  • Prayer List

How can I stay the course for the entire 40-day journey?

1. Be intentional. Physical exhaustion will deplete your ability to engage in spiritual warfare. Cut out all non-essential activities during the journey.

2. Enlist a prayer partner. Choose someone with whom you will pray a few times a week. Your prayer times can be by phone or in person at a time that works for both of you.

3. Read, pray and fast. These are the primary spiritual disciplines and they help you grow and gravitate toward the things of God.

4. Make a personal list of faith goals/prayer requests. What do you want God to take back from the enemy during the 40-day period? Write them down and make them part of your daily prayer focus.

Prayers For:

    • Abounding Grace Ministries
    • Family & friends
    • Nation & World
    • Myself

T0 download PDF of Reading Plan CLICK HERE>>>

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