Activity Calendar 2020
Holy Week
Prayer Connect
Daily Prayer Calls
Mon, Wed & Fri @ 8am
Tues & Thurs @ 11am
Dial 646-787-0157
Code: 267555#
Grace for Today
Video Devotionals
Watch here
Holy Week Fast
Monday – Friday
4/6-10, until 6pm
Guide here
Good Friday Service
April 10 @ 7pm
Live online here
Daily Kindness
Help Kindness go viral during the quarantine with these tools from Thrive Collective. Share your stories, photos, and more on social media, and tag #KindnessBeatsTheVirus.
April 6-10, 2020 | Monday - Friday, until 6pm
Prayer and Fasting Guide
Monday, April 6
- Prayer focus: Repentance for personal, community, nation, and world.
- Scriptures: Psalm 51, Psalm 103:8-14, 2 Chronicles 7: 11-22, Daniel 9: 1- 19, Jonah 3: 1-10
Tuesday, April 7
- Prayer focus 1: Healing and protection of our land from the deadly Coronavirus.
- Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Kings 8:33-40, Exodus 23:25
- Prayer focus 2: Healing and protection for the afflicted and care givers: spouses, families, friends, elderly/ shut-ins, health care workers, government officials, army personnel, police, firefighters, educators, etc.
- Scriptures: Isaiah 53: 1-12, Ephesian 6:10-18, James 5:16, Psalm 107:20, Psalm 145:18, Acts 3:1-9, Luke 4:31-36 & 38-39, Psalm 91
Wednesday, April 8
- Prayer Focus: Pastors, ministerial teams and church families
- Scriptures: 2 Tim.4:2, Acts 20:28, Heb.13:17, Jere.3:15, Eph.4:11-12, 1Peter5:1-4, Eph.1:16-17, 2 Thess. 1:11, Col 1:9-10, Rom 15:14-33, Phil. 1:9-11
Thursday, April 9
- Prayer Focus: Marriages, broken families, youth, and children
- Scriptures: Gen 2:22-24; Prov. 5:18-19; Prov. 18:22; Eph. 5:22-33; Matt. 19:4-6; 1Cor. 7:1-16, 1 Tim.4:12, Ex.20:12, Jere. 29:11, Ps.119:9, Eph.6:1-3, Ecc.12:1-2, 13. Ps.127:3-5, Matt.21:15-16, Ps.8:2, Mark 10:13-16, Deut.6:7
Friday, April 10
- Prayer Focus: Revival and spiritual awakening in America
- Scriptures: Joel 2:28-32, Matt. 28;19-20, Luke 4:18, Acts 1:18, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Ps 22:27, Acts 2:1-4, 40-47

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